Mindful Eating, A wellness trend!

Mindfulness, a buzz word gaining popularity in health and wellness. It’s a practice that encourages to do anything consciously and one could incorporate into any behavioral change. We can practice mindfulness in any daily activity including eating.

How many of us really enjoyed a meal thoroughly without watching an update in social media?












In a rapid paced tech world, there are too many distractions that have shifted our focus and attention from the act of good, peaceful eating. It is becoming more on the go, sometimes a mindless act. The lack of awareness of the food we are consuming may be contributing to many health issues that includes overweight, obesity and other life style diseases.

What is Mindful eating?
In simple terms, Mindful eating is eating as you listen to the internal hues of your body that is hunger and satiety (feeling full). We should be able to differentiate between the true physical hunger and emotional.

How to eat mindfully?

1. Fill up your shopping cart smart











Let’s start from shopping list, it is ideal to fill up the shopping cart with healthy ingredients.
So, how do I know if it is really healthy?
Read on the labels carefully, or seek an advice and learn from a qualified Dietitian.
Plan yourself ahead and shop only healthy ingredients to cook a meal


2. Make your own version of fresh food




Try not to rely on cooked food always, make sure half of the platter is raw salads and colorful. It may not be always the expensive avocados, cherries, lettuce and broccoli. Mix up your own versions of easily available seasonal veggies and fruits. Keep a reminder to make some sprouts (whole grams like bengal gram, green gram, horse gram) in advance to fill a portion of your box or plate.

3. Control the craving sensations

Junk foods and processed foods that are high in sugar and salt usually encourages the food craving. When it’s a craving sensation, slow down, see your plate, watch out if its healthy and then indulge a meal. Even if it is a craving, eat with maximum awareness and control the portion.
Also, focus on chewing well and eat slowly, the first step of digestion process starts right from the mouth.

Over all wellbeing

Mindful eating interventions, are more effective in treating binge eating (eating large amount of food in a short time), over eating and emotional eating. It not only helps to promote weight loss but also reduces stress and anxiety. Encouraging a mindful eating approach is more effective in weight management and helps in maintaining a better health & wellbeing.
Last but not the least, before we start eating a meal every time, let us pay some gratitude to mother earth, the farmers and others who bring the food from the farm to our fork.

Article written by:  Vidhyapriya.R

Nutritionist & Founder

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