Winter and wellness

Cold winters on its way, the cozy sleep time and crave for warm foods becomes inevitable. Tracking the calories and work out becomes challenging when it is a holiday season too. Fighting against cold, flu infections and having a great immunity is yet another deal.

Eating right in moderation and perfect work out regime helps to confront infections and keeps the energy levels high in winters.


To keep the stress at bay never miss out the regular workout routine. A brisk walk, an active jog, high intensity interval training, simple squats and planks or any cardios, the rule is to stick on it every day.

Swimming and aqua aerobics are equally great as it enhances more blood circulation and burn calories better. The exercise helps in good heart health, reduces body fat, improves muscle strength and overall body fitness. Self-motivation and drive to exercise will eliminate winter blues.


Eating right and getting proper nutrition helps in keeping this season a healthier one. There are some immune boosting nutrients that helps


Antioxidants commonly included in the diet such as Vitamin A, E,  C, β-carotene, lycopene, lutein and selenium, copper, iron and zinc. It also improves different immune function exhibiting an important protective role in infections caused by bacteria, viruses.

Carotenoids are found in red, orange, deep-yellow and some dark-green leafy vegetables includes tomatoes, carrots, spinach, papaya, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, winter squash and broccoli helps this season

Vitamin C rich foods like Amla, Guava, oranges, capsicum, drumstick leaves, amaranth, lime can help in improving immunity in winters.


Vitamin E sources are whole wheat flakes, vegetable oils like rice bran, groundnut, olives

Vitamin A that includes Greens leaves (Fenugreek/amaranth/drumstick/curry leaves/radish/colocasia), eggs, poultry, sweet potato, carrots are good sources

Though we lack sunshine, can get dietary Vitamin D by consuming fish, eggs, poultry and milk.

Zinc is one of the immune boosting nutrient, that are available in whole wheat flakes, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, oyster, chicken, mushrooms. These nutrients helps in developing a good immunity and take care of nutritional requirements.


In addition, it is recommended to avoid added sugars and sweetened beverages to cut down empty calories.

The craving for hot deep fried foods could be satisfied and replaced by healthier options like steamed corns, sprouts chat, poha, veg sandwiches with a sprouts twist.  A hot soup or a green tea would be a better beverage option.

Eating according to season is the conscious decision we have to make and  let us make it always a more healthier choice!


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