Winter and wellness

Cold winters on its way, the cozy sleep time and crave for warm foods becomes inevitable. Tracking the calories and work out becomes challenging when it is a holiday season too. Fighting against cold, flu infections and having a great immunity is yet another deal. Eating right in moderation and perfect work out regime helps …

Wellness and beyond

Wellbeing is every individual’s responsibility and strategy! A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. We live in a competitive world, where we confront too many challenges every day. To cope up with the fast-growing world, one has to be healthy. Our body needs adequate nutrition, fitness, and mental wellness together in a right proportion …

Mindful Eating, A wellness trend!

Mindfulness, a buzz word gaining popularity in health and wellness. It’s a practice that encourages to do anything consciously and one could incorporate into any behavioral change. We can practice mindfulness in any daily activity including eating. How many of us really enjoyed a meal thoroughly without watching an update in social media?     …